Page 13 - SLA Amex - Plat Book
P. 13

Interest-Free Credit

             Enjoy an interest-free period of up to 50-days, for purchases on your
             Card when you settle your closing balance by the due date.

             Choose Your Repayment Options

             With your monthly statement, a list of recent transactions will be
             provided along with any outstanding balance on your account. Enjoy
             the financial flexibility to decide how much of the balance you wish to
             settle, provided you make the minimum payment.

             •  Your statement will indicate the minimum payment that is due.
             •  We recommend  that  you pay  more than  the minimum  payment
                whenever possible.

             Enjoy Exclusive FlySmiLes Promotions
             As a Silver Tier FlySmiLes member you can enjoy more options to earn
             and redeem FlySmiLes miles.
             Visit to find out more about the latest offers.

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